Sunday, 5 September 2010

Gone Fishing

There are no photo's with this little blog just a little relaxation with the little one's but I wish I had taken a shot or two when Ewan was excited because we caught 5 or just because he got a blue net, Grace was happy because she was planning on a pink net all the way to Cleethorpes & this was our Game we was to capture just for a little while. Then to the Park.


  1. Thanks for the comment over on my blog. To answer your question about the Greek Stifado. Yes I use the lunchbox sized wine and you could easily do this in a slow cooker. On a high heat it will probably take around the same amount of time. On a low heat give it another hour or so. You'll know when it's ready : )

  2. Sounds idyllic, perfect day with the family XXX

  3. it was lovely & what was better I caught more than Grandad.................. "Who's the Nannie" haha

  4. sounds like you had a good time. Time is special spent with grandchildren. Enjoy Janet the family will soon be growing xxx

  5. Janet, this is a gorgeous picture (besides being a memento of a happy day). You could use it in some digital art some time.
